It is with great pleasure that we can share that the “Golfing for Pangolins” golf day at Kyalami Country Club was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended. Lots of fun was had, great entertainment, and all in all, an amazing day for conservation and pangolins. We were also fortunate to be the beneficiary of the mixed open charity day at Randpark Golf Club the week before. Thanks to Jeanne de Power (General Committee Member) and Albert Clack (General Manager) , they raised an additional R106 224 to add to the cause. The total raised for the project was close to R700 000!!!
To all the sponsors, a MASSIVE and heartfelt thank you. To Vineyard friends and Boschendal wines, showcasing a wonderful range of reds and whites for enjoyment on the evening, and some extraordinary prizes. Joel Stransky was a jovial and enigmatic MC, and really did justice to the occasion. Joel, along with Bakkies Botha, Bryan Habana and Hennie Le Roux were our special guests and the awesome rugby chat provided by World Cup legends gave us some great insight to the upcoming world cup. To all the prize donors – Mdluli Lodge, Inzalo Lodge, Savanna Private Game Reserve, Wilderness Safaris, Singita Lodges, Laluka Lodge, Canvas and Tent Group, Birdi, DGB, Boschendal and Vineyard friends – your generosity to the cause and the day was truly fantastic. Thank you to the Muses who provided beautiful entertainment, to Manie Ward for capturing the images of the day, Brett and Tammy from Uniguest for the tech and displays, and Kim and her team from First Prize for all the printing and corporate design work. We also thank the Hot 102.7 FM team for the donation of the advertising and radio broadcasts for the month of August.
To the project team, Emma De Jager from Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre, the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve team, Dr Debbie English from Provet Wildlife Services as well as everyone else who are a part of the project, your hard work and dedication to the cause is second to none and the success of “Project Pangolin” is all to do with you superstars.
To the Conserv Earth Team and volunteers, the day would not have been a success without you all! It’s a privilege to work with like minded people, and the goal to facilitate, connect and restore is being realised Thank you!
To update you on the project, the pangolin friendly fence in the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve is being erected as we speak, and we have pledged another R200 000 to extend this. Over the next few months, the goal will be to finalise the entire fence around the reserve. The remaining funds will be donated to the rehabilitation and rescue of further pangolins with Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre and Provet Wildlife Services, and the consequent release and monitoring of a pangolin within the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve on Inyati Private Game Reserve. This will provide proof of concept and allow us all to extend the project to neighbouring reserves in the Lowveld and perhaps all around South Africa.
We will keep you all posted on the project developments, stay tuned!
Thank you again to all, let’s keep up the conservation journey together and make a real tangible difference!