Khumba Ncila, a report back

Khumba Ncila, a report back

Conserv Earth is very proud to support Khumba Ncila – a forward thinking project on the outskirts of the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve that focuses on the welfare of domestic livestock and animals. What started with just a thought and kind heart by Founder Natasha Whyte, has grown into a fully fledged animal clinic and organisation. It has been a wonderfully productive year for 2023, and Natasha gives a breakdown of their achievements…

Herewith a summary of stats for the year on the animals that have been treated:

  • Dog and cat sterilizations – 137
  • Dog Vaccinations (rabies and 5 in 1) – 467
  • Dogs treated for ectoparasites – 613
  • Dogs treated for illness and injury – 491
  • Ruminants vaccinated – 521
  • Ruminants treated for illness and injury – 1729


It is interesting to note that the ruminants seen are triple the number of dogs seen – this shows the economic and cultural importance of the cattle for the farmers and community.

Khumba Ncila have started to cover not only Justicia, Mabarhule, Huntington, Lilydale, Somerset and Belfast, but also Dumphries, Metsi and Masipi. At this stage, the limit is that we only have one vet and cannot do more at this stage, but hopefully that will change and improve once the clinic is running fully, and we have a second vet.

They were fortunate to have the Sabi Sands Nature Reserve come on board to assist with a rabies campaign throughout the villages. This is a huge help, as it decreases rabid dogs getting into the Sabi Sands and affecting the wildlife population. The rabies campaign is ongoing and is done every Tuesday. They started in Dumphries village, as many Rabid dogs going into the Sabi Sands seem to be from this area and further north. They have vaccinated many dogs over the years in the villages surrounding the Southern Sabi Sand, which we think has decreased the number of rabid dogs from this area.

On the 10th of November, they opened the Animal Welfare Clinic, which was a huge success, and it was fantastic to see the buy in from the community members. Although the clinic is not yet fully functional, we are seeing some patients there in between Dr Bjorn going out to see the cattle cases. I am sure before mid-June; this will be up and going properly with the correct equipment needed and correct staff to run it properly.

There were also  500 tress planted with the aid of the Kwikbuld Group and Food and trees for Africa. A long lasting impact for the region and local clinics, schools and old age homes where they now stand. 

Thanks you Natasha and Dr Bjorn as well and entire Khumba Ncila team for your passion and commitment. We look forward to a productive year in 2024. 

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