Khumba Ncila – Making a Difference

Khumba Ncila – Making a Difference

The Khumba Ncila project that is situated just outside of the world renowned Sabi Sand game reserve is a project that is making a difference in so many lives of both human and animals. It is a project that really does make your heart warm and fuzzy! Not only does the project help the various animals within the surrounding communities, but at the same time it teachers’ people as to how to care for their animals and ensure that we are all able to live harmoniously together. The project has come such a long way and we are extremely proud to be part of this incredible initiative.

The new commenced building in January of 2023 and is almost complete with only a few aspects now to finish off. This is going to provide the community and their beloved animals an incredible service whereby they will not have to pay to get their animals seen to. The clinic is going to provide and safe and secure environment for the sick animals to be kept for prolonged periods of time ensuring a full recovery. The clinic will now be able to deal with more serious cases with regard to the animals that need surgical procedures, this does not only include the smaller cats and dogs, but the local and economically important cattle. 

Joffers McCormick recently spent a day with the team out in the field with Dr Bjorn doing house visits. It is crucially important to do these house calls, as not all of the animals are able to get transport to the clinic. Dr Bjorn, who is the head vet of the project, along with his very capable vet assistants are the individuals that are putting their blood, sweat and tears into the project.  Thanks to them, there are numerous animals that are being treated for a variety of ailments and making a difference to their long term longevity. Joffers day got to see exactly what goes on behind the scenes, an eye opening experience to what these animals really need. Whilst we were busy with a cow that had a deformed hoof, we got a call about a sick cat that needed urgent attention. Immediately the team packed up their things and off we went rushing to the house with the reported cat emergency. As soon as we got the house, Bjorn and his team set up IV lines as well as got the cat settled and ready to be worked on. It was incredible to take note of their team efforts and as to how quickly they are able to assist in the field. This really did show their true dedication to the project. Following the cat emergency call, we headed back to the house with the cattle that was needing attention. The cow was treated effectively,  and then it was on to the next animal.

The entire Khumba Ncila team have dedicated so much of their lives to making a difference to those around them. We as Conserv Earth are tremendously proud to be involved in such a project and cannot wait to see what the future holds. A special mention must also be given to Kwikbuild Cement for providing the cement that has been used to build the clinic, thank you for this generous donation. 

Preserving animal life and community livelihoods is really magical to be a part of.

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