Khumba Ncila Update

Khumba Ncila Update

The latest sterilisation and vaccination drive for Khumba Ncila has been done and what a day it was… A total of 59 dogs were treated, as well as 2 cats. This amounts to 340 unwanted puppies being born. Conserv Earth donated R55 000 to the cause and we couldn’t be happier as to how well it has been received. 

For the entire Khumba Ncila campaign of 2022, the stats were as follows:

Dogs: 158 sterilised, 384 vaccinated,1417 treated for injury or illness. 

Cattle – 1570 vaccinations, 1800 treated for injury and illness.

The Khumba Ncila project is expanding, and with the securing of land to build their clinic and receiving donations to make this happen, the community reach is now growing. A novel concept, this project really makes a difference within the community around the Sabi Sand game reserve, as their livestock and domestic animals are a crucial part of their lives. 

Brian Franz, a new member of Conserv Earth has this to say about his visit…

When I was asked by Chris Renshaw to join him on a visit to one of Conserv Earths projects, I jumped at the opportunity! That’s all Chris said. A sleepless night or two (thinking Rhino dehorning or something similar) ensued before Chris picked me up at 05h45 to travel to our destination. It was only on the way that Chris mentioned the project was Khumba Ncila – where the sterilization of dog’s and cat’s takes place. My enthusiasm waned only slightly while my interest peaked somewhat. 

5+ hours later we arrived at our destination. The clinic was a hive of activity with people milling around with their dogs. Clinic staff were very welcoming and it was obvious that Chris had made many friends. Even I was treated like a VIP! 

We visited the clinic three times while we were there and, on each occasion, I was very impressed and proud of the fact that I was seen to be a member of Conserv Earth. 

The treatment the dog’s received was an eye opener. I was so impressed with the care and dedication the dog’s received. From the time they received a pre-med to the time in recovery (a large mat on the floor) where the dogs received love and attention, before leaving the clinic. The Vets performing the sterilizations were outstanding, obviously well trained and dedicated to their work. On one occasion, a dog was in distress with all its entrails lying next to it. No way will that dog survive, I thought. The Vet performing the operation called me over and asked me to hold a torch over the dog, so he could see better. There I was standing next to the operating table, holding the torch above the dog, entrails next to me, and blood dripping at my feet. “Don’t faint” I was ordered. I’m good, the “light surgeon” replied. Well, at the end, after a blood transfusion the dog survived – unbelievable!! 

I must make mention of Natasha Whyte who is extremely dedicated to this (her) project. Wow, what a wonderful person Natasha is. Natasha even dashed back to the lodge (Savanna) which she helps run, to bring back her own dog for the blood transfusion mentioned above. How’s that for dedication!! 

Conserv Earth can be very proud of their involvement in this project. The funds provided will help with the sterilization of dog’s in the community. I was amazed at the dog owners willingness to have their dogs sterilized, an eye opener in itself. I would highly recommend that Conserv Earth continue with this project!

Oh, by the way, the accommodation and hospitality provided by Neil and Natasha Whyte went above and beyond, it was sensational!! The game drives were exceptional as well. Thank you for involving me in this project. 

Congratulations to Khumba Ncila, the Savanna Trust and Natasha Whyte for all your hard work!!! 

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