The Conserv earth Team and Chris Renshaw recently hosted a conservation safari with the proud sponsors of one of the “Golfing for Rhino” golf day – DGB. The team were one of the recipients of an auction item that was bid one and won, and as such the the prize was a weekend away at Marataba Conservation Camps with a a rhino conservation event included. This was to fit a crucial “smart foot collar” to a rhino cow so that the team can monitor her and her calf’s movements and stay on top of their behaviour. This forms part of the bigger picture project and the 2022 golf day focus whereby we sponsored license plate recognition cameras to the region. These are proving extremely effective in combating all forms of crime, and we are happy to say we are still involved with this amazing initiative. The Waterberg Landscape Alliance (formerly Save The Waterberg Rhino) NPC are doing great work with all the stakeholders in the area, and we are proud to continue our relationship with them.
Thank you to team DGB for all the support! These interventions are crucial and your contribution goes a very long way in preserving this cow and calves livelihood and protection.